Bedroom ideas

These days more than ever, bedrooms are the one place we can truly unwind. A bedroom design should remind you of a stay at an inspiring boutique hotel and invite you to relax. 

We all have busy diaries, lists crammed with things to do and things we dream of doing, and a house where we live with family and friends. In today’s world, your bedroom is the one place where – together with your partner – you can get a moment to yourself. Robert Kolenik’s bedroom ideas are focused on giving you total privacy and a feeling of time and space to relax. You’ll be surrounded by personal items, soft shades and fabrics that encourage you to relax straight away.


For bedroom ideas, Robert Kolenik focuses on the latest trends. More and more people now practice yoga or meditation, for example. ‘A contemporary design bedroom has space for all these things. The interior designer’s bedroom designs always incorporate multimedia and domotics. These make the bedroom feel like a wonderful haven. Lighting also plays a key role, as does a walk-in closet, dressing room or bespoke wardrobe for storing clothes. The ultimate luxury is a bedroom fireplace, which comes on the moment you enter the room. All these elements leave you feeling reborn after a good night’s sleep and full of energy to start the day.

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