Modern Attic

Interior Designer Robert Kolenik Creates Loft with Hotel Allure

"It has absolutely everything."

Client desired a rugged look with a feminine touch. Using natural materials and a smart layout, Robert Kolenik designed a bachelor loft with hotel allure.

Rugged Elegance

The loft features an industrial poured floor, leather panels, and black oak walls. Kolenik created a rugged yet refined look for a young millennial client. “The layout required careful planning,” Kolenik explains. “We had 250 square meters on the top floor of a city-center industrial building. We aimed to create spacious, high-quality zones, including a compact guest room above the dining room, complete with an en-suite bathroom.”

Boutique Hotel Vibes

A standout feature is the translucent alabaster room divider in the master bedroom, which resembles those found in boutique hotels. Kolenik adds, “We designed compartments for accessories and handbags, illuminated by LED lighting for a warm effect. The divider is visible from the living room, thanks to the long sight lines in the loft.”

Seamless Kitchen and Living Area

A long marble worktop extends from the kitchen into the living room, incorporating a fireplace. Kolenik notes, “The kitchen and living room are linked by a small set of steps, creating a transition where the fireplace sits at coffee-table height in the living room and at working height in the kitchen.” The living room floor and steps are finished with Alphenberg leather panels, which develop a lived-in look over time. The kitchen features a high-end Senso poured floor, 95% composed of natural resin.


Ibiza Talamanca


Monumental Apartment